We've compiled the ULTIMATE KitKat Bundle consisting of some of the rarest, most exotic flavors from around the globe.
Did you know that the United States is the only country in the world that uses Hershey's chocolate? All of these Exotic International KitKats feature Nestle chocolate.
- Kit Kat Chunky - Drumstick (Canada)
- White Chocolate Biscoff KitKat Chunky (United Kingdom)
- Kit Kat Chunky Popcorn Bar (Canada)
- Kit Kat - Cookie Crumble (Canada)
- Kit Kat - Hazelnut Crunch (Canada)
- Kit Kat Chocolate Frosted Donut (Limited Edition)
- Kit Kat Chunky Choco Extreme (Canada)
- Kit Kat Duos Mint and Dark Chocolate (Limited Edition)
- Kit Kat Ghost Toast (Limited Edition)
- Kit Kat Pink Lemonade (Limited Edition)