We've compiled the ULTIMATE Sour Patch Kids Bundle consisting of some of the most exciting flavors that we've found around the globe. Hurry, we are only offering a limited number of these!
This ULTIMATE Sour Patch Kids Bundle consists of the following varieties:
- Oreo - Sour Patch Kids (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids Gamerz - 190g (Australia)
- Sour Patch Kids Sour Cherry Blasters (Canada)
- Sour Patch Kids Cola (United Kingdom)
- Sour Patch Kids - Lemonade Fest (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids - Tropical (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids Peach (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids Grape (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids Strawberry (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids Watermelon (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids - Just Blue Raspberry (Limited Edition)
- Sour Patch Kids - Apple Harvest (Limited Edition)